Assendelft | Veenpolderdijk Bridge

  • Project Number: 22-701
  • Length: 75m
  • Width: 5m
  • Class: 5kn/m2 + service vehicle
  • Year of construction: 2023
  • Client: Municipality of Zaanstad
  • In cooperation with: De Boer and de Groot

Running parallel to the Communicatieweg Oost in Assendelft is a bicycle path where the wooden Veenpolderdijk bridge used to be. This bridge, built in the late 1970s was 3.5 meters wide, 75 meters long and founded on 14 wooden intermediate supports, each 5 meters apart.

To replace it, we installed a composite bridge with Infracore Inside that is 5 meters wide and 75 meters long. Instead of the 14 wooden intermediate supports, there are now only 5, spaced about 12.5 meters apart. The bridge is suitable for vehicles of 8 tons while it is only 35 cm thick and designed to last more than 100 years.

The bridge itself is maintenance-free except for replacing the wear layer and cleaning it once. The railings on the bridge are steel and are equipped with LED lighting and can be recycled in due course.

The bridge was realized by civil contractor De Boer and de Groot of Harlingen and FiberCore Europe.